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Taihei Makassar Ebony Octagonal Handle with Buffalo Horn Ferrule Handle

Size Length Width Height Weight
Yanagiba 300mm 144mm 17mm 24mm 55g
Yanagiba 270mm 140mm 16mm 23mm 49g
Yanagiba 240mm 138mm 16mm 23mm 46g
Usuba 180mm 135mm 18mm 25mm 66g
Petty 150mm 120mm 16mm 20mm 37g
Petty 120mm 114mm 16mm 20mm 34g


After learning the craft of handle making from his father, Taihei has been challenging handle making traditions by using unconventional woods from around the world. He spends countless hours cutting and shaping each piece by hand in his workshop in Japan.

If you are looking for a classic Japanese knife handle, you couldn’t find many others that compare with Taihei’s dedication to quality and attention to detail. He carefully studies the differences between each individual piece, as their look and qualities can vary drastically from tree to tree and horn to horn. He says, “If people have been using that wood for a long time, there is a reason that you cannot understand it within 10 or 20 years.”

These handles are made from ebony wood, an extremely dense tropical wood easily identified by its deep black color and glossy look. Ebony wood has been used on the handles of chef knives for generations due to its durability and moisture resistance. Many professionals gravitate towards ebony handles as they give an expensive look to any knife, while its weight gives a substantial and balanced feel in the hand. The handles octagonal shape provides a comfortable grip for any cutting style regardless if you are right or left handed.

To maintain its timeless look, hand wash the handle with a mild dish soap and wipe it dry to avoid any excess moisture retention. You can also seal the wood with a food safe sealant such as beeswax. Oils such as linseed and tung oil would also be appropriate, though they would darken the colour of the wood significantly.

Brand: Taihei 太平

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